Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Hello ~

Ok, this is my first post :3
Let me introduce myself ~
My full name is Natasha Stefanie Setiawan *yoroshiku ne ~ :3
Now studying at Gunadarma University ( Accounting UG'14 )
Love Japan, anime, comic, novel
I'm "a gamer girl" and it's true *lol
Hate crowded places , and love nature ~
Pink holic ( .__.)
I can dressed like a girl, but sometimes like a boy. I wear what I want
Not as girly as people think I am, really :'
hate something spicy, don't give me a spicy food EVER
If I'm bored, I will doodle-ing, or making cranes, or make a paper craft,  or play a game or do nothing at all ohh maybe sleeping is a good idea when you're bored :3
Love TOTORO, a giant monster with a big tummy :3
Speak so fast and can't say letter "R" , not even once :')

Ok, that's all about me ;3
God bless ya ! ;)

Kode Etik Profesi Akuntansi

Sebelum membahas lebih jauh mengenai kode etik profesi akuntansi, apa itu kode etik ? Kode etik adalah suatu sistem norma, nilai & jug...